Do you like Andrew Tate?

This article is not a script for a video. You can however also read it on my youtube channel.

Recently, I listened to two podcasts featuring the Tate brothers after their release from a Romanian prison. (it was a 4 hours train ride home from Stockholm). I’m uncertain of your opinion on Andrew Tate. Maybe you believe the world is trying to cast him as a villain, or perhaps you see him as nothing more than a misogynistic thug with a loud mouth.

Personally, I find myself more drawn to his brother, Tristan. I perceive him as being a bit more composed, whereas Andrew tends to be annoyingly loud most of the time.

Nevertheless, I do listen to both of them because I believe they offer some wisdom. I may not align with all of their beliefs, but there are certain aspects I resonate with. For instance, their theory that men have lost their sense of manhood in today’s society resonates with me to some extent. It’s a confusing time to define the role of men, and I often find myself unsure of my own stance regarding the male-female spectrum (or whether there is one).

While I strive to treat women with respect (when they deserve it), I can’t deny that the traditional male role model seems to have been shattered.

In this convoluted world, I reluctantly admit that, lacking better alternatives, Andrew Tate serves as a decent role model. I understand that this statement may attract criticism, and I honestly wish we had more exemplary figures to look up to, ones that are readily accessible to us.

Although I have to add that him walking around shirtless, smoking cigars, and flaunting cars from his extravagant life is a bit over the top. But I think kids are smart enough to know that’s not real. And if not, they will learn it.

It’s like when we grew up watching TV. We didn’t believe ET and lightsabers existed just because we saw them on television. We grew up fine, and so will todays kids.

In a society where the boundaries between genders have become blurred, determining what it means to be a man or a woman is increasingly challenging. While I advocate for the freedom to pursue one’s desires, I still grapple with conflicting emotions at times.

However, that’s not the primary focus of my thoughts. My main concern revolves around the suppression of opposing viewpoints, leading to censorship, cancellation, and even imprisonment. Andrew’s apprehensions regarding the ”matrix” may seem paranoid, but I cannot overlook the peculiarity of their unjust incarceration.

I disapprove of the types of businesses the Tate brothers have been involved in, such as webcam shows and their dubious education program, Hustler University. (their incarceration however has nothing to do with this, I dare not even to utter the words here what they are actually charged with).

But just to be clear. Whatever wrong they did.

I’m absolutely certain that the charges are made up lies.

I can’t shake the feeling that something is fundamentally wrong with a system that so blatantly stifles dissent in society. It operates subtly but effectively.

Certain topics are deemed taboo on most social media platforms, requiring users to resort to coded language to avoid detection, such as ”cucumber 19.” There are subjects I wish to address through videos, but fear of channel cancellation restrains me. I yearn for a platform where open discussions, even on controversial topics, are welcomed without fear of retribution. And thats why I appreciate what Elon Musk did with Twitter.

The debate surrounding social media companies’ control over content is complex. While they receive criticism for inadequately policing harmful content, a part of me insists that free speech should be absolute, especially on platforms where such discussions predominantly occur.

This logic is, quite frankly, absurd. By treating grown up individuals as toddlers: incapable of independent thought, governments and social media companies inhibit the very essence of free speech—the cornerstone of societal progress.

So, while I may appreciate the Tate brothers to some extent, your opinion may differ. Perhaps you enjoy the Godfather movies, while I do not. It’s essential to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of thought within society, rather than mold it into a monotonous collective where we are just wage slave workers synchronized in thoughts.

If I were a younger man with an altruistic agenda to better the world, I would create content addressing the ”cucumber 19” event, where governments worldwide seemingly misled us. I don’t view them as inherently ”evil”; rather, they made numerous errors, a flaw inherent to humanity that we must accept.

However, accountability should follow. Those responsible for wrongdoing should be held to task, though history suggests otherwise. Similar transgressions during the 2008 financial crisis went largely unpunished, and the world swiftly moved on.

This leads me to ponder whether the Tate brothers were unjustly incarcerated due to their dissenting voices. It makes me question whether my own YouTube channel, should it gain significant traction and challenge the wage slavery in global society, would lead to my incarceration in a Romanian prison as well.

I encourage you to comment on this. I would really like to know what you think about Andrew Tate and all the topics that I mentioned. Even if you don’t agree with me, I invite you to join the conversation.

In the spirit of a truly free speech society, challenge my thoughts.

(before they throw me into a Romanian prison) 😉

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